a system whereby or an arrangement whereby


  • whereby는 conjunctionadverb의 두가지 용법이 있다, Merriam-Webster
    • abverb 용법은 obsolet(고어)로 더이상 쓰이지 않는다 ( 아래 성서예문)
    • conjuction은 by, through, or in accordance with which의 뜻이 있다
  • 다음 사전의 whereby 예문 에 따르면 whereby의 선행사로 system, arrangement가 주로 쓰인다고 한다
    • 그러므로 해석은 ... 하는 바의 시스템(협정) 그 시스템(협정)에 의하여 whereby절의 내용이 수행된다 정도로 해석하면된다


  • Cache invalidation is a process in a computer system whereby entries in a cache are replaced or removed. - Cache invalidation, wikipedia
  • an arrangement whereby that company will buy more imports - (다음사전 whereby 예문)
  • Whereby shall I know this? <성서, 누가복음 1:18> - (다음사전 whereby 예문)

“semantic classes” vs “non-semantic classes”

아래 문장에서 non-semantic의 의미는 ?

Mixins allow you to define styles that can be re-used throughout your stylesheet.
They make it easy to avoid using non-semantic classes like .float-left, and to distribute collections of styles in libraries.

발췌: <Sass/At-Rules/@mixin and @include>


  • 발췌: Semantic vs non-semantic, MaintainableCSS
  • Semantic vs non-semantic
    <!--- non semantic --->
    <div class="red pull-left pb3">
    <div class="grid row">
    <div class="col-xs-4">
    <div class="col-xs-4">
    <!--- semantic -->
    <div class="basket">
    <div class="product">
    <div class="searchResults">
  • Non-semantic classes don’t convey what an elemnt represents.
    • At most they give you an idea of what an element looks like.
    • Atomic, visual, behavioural and utility classes are all forms of non-semantic classes.
  • Semantic classes don’t convey their styles, but that’s fine–that’s what CSS is for.
    • Semantic classes mean something to HTML, CSS, Javascript and automated functional tests.

At-rules ?

  • 발췌 : At-rule, MDN
  • At-rules are CSS statements that instruct CSS how to behave.
    • They begin with an at sign,'@'(U+0040 COMMERCIAL AT) -,followed by an identifier and includes everything up to the next semicolon -,';'(U+003B SEMICOLON), or the next CSS block, whichever comes first.

What does “rc” mean in dot files ?


  • vim에서 :help startup 문서 에서 3. Execute Ex commands... 문단에서
    • vimrc exrc의 keyword를 가진 문장이 나오는데
  • 둘다 rc 접미사를 가지는 것을 보고 의문점이 생겼다


  • 발췌1: What does “rc” mean in dot files, SO
  • 발췌2: Configruation file, wikipedia
  • 어러가지 설이 있다
    • run commands
    • resource control
    • run control
    • runtime configuration
  • 그리고 이 문서를 찾았다

    An older convention still common among system programs uses the executable’s name with the suffix ‘rc’ for ‘run control’.

    Footnote: The ‘rc’ suffix goes back to Unix’s grandparent, CTSS, It had a command-script feature called “runcom”. Early Unixes used ‘rc’ for the name of the operationg system’s boot script, as a tribute to CTSS runcom.

    – Eric Steven Raymond, The Art of Unix Programming, Ch10. Configuration –

the understatement of the year/decade/century

  • 세기의 천재라고 할때 세기는 100년을 의미하는데 여기서는 세기의 절제된표현이라는 의미이다
  • 관련 사전 링크


  • The Rust I Wanted Had No Future 의 첫번째 문장

    In a recent podcast about Rust leadership, the BDFL question came up again and Jermy Soller said (in the understatement of the centruy) that “I believe Graydon would have said no to some things we all like now”.

관련 글감